Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He warms our hearts

So far it seems like the worst of the terrible twos are over. His "cute" moments are starting to overpower his screaming moments. We have our Parker back. Here are just a few of those cute moments....

** As he finished all his drink he said " I killed it"
** I don't remember when he said this but he looked at me and said "Chill out mom, you don't have to cry about it."
** He ran into the kitchen and said in the most urgent voice " wait wait wait, I have to tell you something...." then his voice became very sweet and sincere " I love you."

Here's the newest gardener in town, he works with his shirt off and is pretty free with his kisses. Hubba hubba!

He loves his Daddy.


Braden and Jodee said...

Those sayings are so cute! Your boys sure adorable. It was so fun seeing you guys this weekend :)

R Clan said...

What a sweetie. I LOVE that last picture of daddy and son.

Brian and Lindsay Holmstrom said...

Very cute! Keep all the pictures coming, I love them all. So jealous that you are back in California by the way

Jillyboo said...

Do you think that you could have Parker talk to Dave about the importance of consistently mowing the lawn?